UNKNOWN NEW YORK, The City That Women Built (Trailer)

MODERNISM WEEK 2019 Palm Springs, California
We walk by their buildings everyday without knowing. Skyscrapers, soaring overhead, have long been New York City's signatures. Powerful and imposing, these buildings reveal the confidence to take space. For more than a century, we assumed these dazzling sites to be the work of the elite men of Gotham. Only men, after all, would dare to build so high.
That belief began to unravel in 2014, when the Beverly Willis Architecture Foundation posed to New Yorkers the challenge of finding 100 buildings built by women in their city. Skeptics thought that number was far too high, but when the nominations began to pour in, the results shocked everyone. 350 nominations were received, revealing a city that had been hidden before our very eyes.
It turned out that women had not only built the skyscrapers, but also the bridges, gardens, houses and many others of structures that give New York City its rich and complex urban fabric. Unknown New York: The City That Women Built reveals the secrets of this once-anonymous city, introducing us to the women of Gotham whose legacy envelops us today.

UNKNOWN NEW YORK, The City That Women Built (Instagram Trailer)
An in-D Media Film
Produced by Beverly Willis Architecture Foundation
Script by Beverly Willis and Jim Deck
Directed by Beverly Willis
Art Direction by Tim Sakamoto
Music Composition by Josh Sklair
Narration by Wanda Bubriski
Narration Recording by Steven Burgess and Jack Vees
Edited by François Maurin
Production + Graphics by Karl Hennig
Production Assistant, Julian Barroso
17min. / HD Color / Not Rated / NTSC / 16:9 Widescreen / English Stereo 2.0
© 2018 The Beverly Willis Architecture Foundation. All rights reserved.
© 2018 The Beverly Willis Architecture Foundation. All rights reserved.